按魏尔兰谓 :“佳诗贴切而不黏著 ,如水墨晕 。”(Rien deplus chef que la chanson grise/Où l’Indécis au Precis sejoint)即此旨也。《沧浪诗话》曰:“不涉理路,不落言诠。羚羊掛角,无迹可求。妙处莹彻玲珑,不可凑泊,如空中之音,相中之色,水中之月,镜中之象。按《宾退录》卷二载张芸叟“评本朝名公诗”:“王介甫如空中之音,相中之色,欲有寻绎,不可得矣。”《困学纪闻》卷十八纪乐城论文,“以不带声色为妙’。
言有尽而意无穷,一唱三叹之音。”《诗镜》曰:“诗被於乐,声之也。声微而韵悠然长逝者,声之所不得留也。凡情不奇而自法,景不丽而自妙者,韵使之也。食肉者不贵味而贵臭,闻乐者不闻响而闻音。”与前所引法德两国诗流论诗妙入乐不可言传云云,更如符节之能合。魏尔兰比诗境於“蝉翼纱羃之后,明眸流睇”(C’est des beaux yeux derrière les voiles),言其似隐如显,望之宛在,即之忽稀,正沧浪所谓“不可凑泊”也。
【补正】郭熙《林泉高致·山水训》:“山欲高。画出之,则不高;烟霞锁其腰,则高矣。水欲远。画出之,则不远;掩映断其脉,则远矣。“此可以释韩拙《山水纯全论.观画别识》论“韵”所谓“隐露立形”;“烟霞”之“锁”,“掩映”之“断”,皆 “隐”也,亦即谢茂秦所谓“妙在含胡”也。参观《管锥编》四册240页。美国女诗人有一篇言羃面之纱使人难窥全貌,遂足以添姿增媚,故美人不愿揭示真容(A Charm invests aface/Imperfectly beheld …/The Lady dare not lift her Veil/For fear it be dispelled …//But peers beyond her mesh …/And wishes…and denies…/Lest Interview … annul/a want/That Image …satisfies.…)。见 Emily Dickinson,Complete poems,ed. Thomas H.Johnson,1960,421。犹魏尔兰之取喻於“纱羃后美目”(des beaux yeux derrière les voiles)矣。
【补订】古罗马诗人马提雅尔尝观赏“葡萄在玻璃帡幪中,有蔽障而不为所隐匿,犹纱??内妇体掩映,澄水下石子历历可数。”(condita perspicua vivit vindemiagemma/et tegitur felix nec tamen uva latet:/feminineum lucet sic per bombycina corpus,/calculus in nitida sic numeratur.)见 Martial,VIII.xIviii.
5-8,Loeb,II,52。十七世纪英国诗人赫里克《水晶中莲花》一首发挥此意尤酣畅,历举方孔纱下玫瑰、玻璃杯内葡萄、清泉底琥珀、纨素中妇体,而归宿於“光影若明若昧”之足以添媚增姿。(You have beheld a smiling Rose/When Virgins hands have drawn/O’ r it a Cobweb-Lawne:/And here,you see,this Lilly shows,/Tomb’d in a Christal stone,/More faire in this transparent case,/Then when it grew alone;/And had but si ngle grace.//…//You see how Amber through the streams/More gentley stroaks the sight,/With some conceal’d delight;/Then when he darts his radiant beams/Into the boundlesses aire … //Put Purple Grapes,or Cher - ties in -/ To Glasse,and they will send/More beauty to commend/Them,from that cleane and subtile skin,/ Then if they naked stood …//So though y’are white as Swan,or Snow,/And have the power to move/ Aworld of men to love:/Yet,when your Lawns and Silks shal flow;/And that white cloud divide into a doubt-ful Twi-light;then/Then will your hidden Pride/Raise greater fires in men.)见“The Lilly in a Christall”,R.Herrick,Poetical Works,ed.L.C.Martin,75-6;cf.516,Commentary。参观491页论遗山《汎舟大明湖》: “看山水底山更佳。”近世奥地利诗人霍夫曼斯塔尔谓艺术之善写后景者,得光影若明若昧之祕,犹花园围以高篱,外人覩扶疏蓊蔚,目穷而神往(ANTONIO: Darum umgeben Gitter,hohe,schlanke,/Den Garten,den der Meister’lie? erbauen,/Datum dutch üppig blumendes Geranke/Soll man das Au?en ahnen mehr als schauen … BATISTA:Das ist die gro?e Kunst des Hintergrundes/Und das Geheimnis zweifelhaffer Lichter.)。见 H.von Hofmannsthal,Der Tod des Tizian,Prolog,Gesammelte Werke,Fischer Taschenbuch,1979,I,254。“水晶中莲花”、“玻璃后葡萄”、“清泉下文石琥珀”,皆望而难即,见而仍蔽,取譬与镜