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【补订】柏德穆谓艺之至者,终和且平,使人情欲止息,造宁静之境;此境高于悦愉,犹悦愉高于痛快也。(in peace - which is as much above joy as joy is above pleasure,and which can scarcely be called emotion,since it rests,as it were,in final good, the primum mobile,which is without motion - we find ourselves in the region of“great art”.)见 C. Patmore,Principle in Art 1889.29.Cf.j.joyce,A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man,N.Y.1916,240,243,“arrest”, “s t a s i s ”;T .G i l b y ,P o e t i c E x p e r i e n c e :A n I n t r o d u c t i o n t o Thomist Aesthetics,1934,81,108,“peace and joy”,“desire

a t r e s t ”。持此论者不必尽奉旧教,余於德昆西著作中,即见其反复言之(Poets of the highest class,whether otherwise delighting or not in the storm and tumultuous agitation of passion,… yet have all agreed in tending to peace and absolute repose as the state in which only a sane constitution of feelings can finally acquiesce … Peace,severe tranquillity,the brooding calm … is the final key into which all the storms of passion modulate themselves in the hands of the greatpoets.)。见“Dr Samuel Parr”,Collected Writings,ed.D.Masson,V.103.106.Cf“Letter to a Young Man”,X,45 n.,“repose”;“Notes on Gilfillan’s Literary Portraits”,XI,380 n.,“the counter-state of repose”。窃谓荷尔德林诲后生作诗所云“惟美斯静”(Lieben Bruder!es reift unsere Kunst vieleicht,/Da,dem Jünglinge gleich,lange sie schon geg?rt,/Bald zur Stille der Schonheit),见“An die jungen Dichter”, Samtliche Werke,Stuttgarter H?lderlin-Ausgabe,I,253。可以要括,而歌德名篇发端所云:“万事之颠,羣动皆息”(über allen Gipfeln/Ist Ruh),见“Wandrers Nachtlied”,ii。可以借喻。《诗.邶风》不云乎:“静女其姝”,复可断章焉。吾国首拈以论文者,殆为李文饶;《会昌一品集》外集卷三《文章论》曰:“犹丝竹繁奏,必有希声窈眇,听之者悦闻;如河流迅激,必有洄洑逶迤,观之者不厌。从兄翰尝言:文章如千兵万马,风恬雨霁,寂无人声,盖谓是也。”欧阳永叔《黄梦昇墓志铭》引梦昇哭其兄子庠之词曰: “子之文章,电激雷震。雨雹忽止,阒然灭泯”;永叔自撰《祭苏子美文》亦曰:“子之心胸,蟠屈龙蛇。风云变化,雨雹交加。忽然挥斧,霹雳轰车。人有遭之,心惊胆落,震仆如麻。须臾霁止,而回顾百里,山川草木,开发萌芽。子於文章,雄豪放肆,有如此矣。”陆农师《陶山集》卷十三《祭王元泽待制墓文》:“形於谈辩,雄健俊伟。又如白日,云雾斗起;风裂雨骤,雷震霆厉。倏忽敛氛,澄霁娬媚。”宋景濂《圭斋文集序》:“君子评公之文,意雄而词赡。如黑云四兴,雷电恍惚,而雨雹飒然交下,可怖可愕,及其云散雨止,长空万里,一碧如洗。”均辗转本李翰词意。恽南田《瓯香馆集》卷十一《画跋》引黄山谷论文语:“盖世聪明,惊彩绝艷,离却静、净二语,便堕短长纵横习气。”锺伯敬、谭友夏尤重言申明“诗以静好柔厚为教”。《诗归》锺序:“察其幽情单绪,孤行静寄于喧杂之中,而乃以其虚怀定力,独往冥游於寥廓之外”;谭序:“夫人有孤怀,有孤诣,而世有一二赏心之人,独为之咨嗟傍皇者,此诗品也。彼号为大家者,终其身无异词,终其古无异议,而反以此失独坐静观者之心。”《古诗归》卷三唐山夫人《安世房中歌》:“粥粥音送,细齐人情”,谭评:“与《大雅》有闻无声,同一静想”;卷五:《练时日》:“相放??,震澹心”,谭评: “六字不可言,不可言,惟静者默吟得之。”《唐诗归》卷十五锺评李太白:“读太白诗,当於雄快中察其静远精出处,有斤两,有脉理”;参观同卷《紫极宫感秋作》谭评。卷二十八锺评元微之:“看古人轻快诗,当另察其精神静深处。”谭友夏《东坡诗选》卷七《书王定国所藏烟江叠嶂图》评:“坡结句之妙者,亦只是议论挽束得有味耳。含不尽於言外,息羣动於无声,如管絃之乍停、瀑布之不收者,未有也。”钱牧斋《列朝诗集》丁集卷十三《胡梅传》引曹能始序胡诗语:“白叔之为诗,避俗套如汤火,驱使己意如石工之琢碪巖,篙师之下滩濑。所未免者,有斧凿痕及喧豗声耳”;亦可参观。锺序《诗归》谓读者之“独往冥游”,庶几邂逅作者之“孤行静寄”,几如西方古神祕宗师所言“孤孑与独一之遇合”(la recevoir seuleà seul;fuir seul vers lui seul);见 Plotin,énn éades,VI.vii.34et ix.10,tr.é.Bréhier,t.VI,ptie ii,1 0 7 e t 1 8 8 。或摈万事,息万籁,始开心声而聆神告(dormimos a las cosastemporales v callamos dentro en nosotros;un olividoaún de nosotros mismos.con una total conversacionde nuestro hombre interior a sólo Dlos.见 Francisco deOsuna,in E.Allison Peers, Spanish Mysticism,189-90。Theword lies hidden in the soul in such a way that onedoes not know it or hear it.Unless room is made inthe ground of hearing,it cannot be heard;indeed allvoices and sounds must go out,and there must beabsolute silence there and stillness。见 Meistcr Eckhatt.Ser-mon VIII,in james M. Clark,Meister Eckhart,162)。西方近世谈艺有谓读者内心万籁皆寂,如屏人与作者幽期独对(Noi sentiamo la poesia soltanto quando tutto tacedentro di noi,etc.);见 A.Momigliano,quoted in L.Russo,La Critica letteraria contemporanea,3aed.,1954,II,107,cf.113-4。The reading of literature should,like prayer inthe Gospels,step out of the talking world of criticism into the private and secret presence of literature,etc.见 N.Frye, Anatomy of Criticism,1957,27。则复类谭序之言“独坐静观”、“静者默吟”。李义山《会昌一品集序》有警句曰:“静与天语”;读者以静心默契诗篇静境,殊堪借李句揣称也。